
Recruiters spend an average of six seconds reviewing a resume before they make theinitial decision on candidates, that means you have to win them over fast. While resumes should be tailored to the industry you're in, the one below offers a helpful guide for entry- and mid-level professionals with three to five years of relevant work experience.

  1. It includes a single phone number and email address.
  1. 它只包括一個(gè)聯(lián)系電話和電子郵箱。
  Choose one phone number for your resume where you control the voicemail message and who picks up the phone. The same rule applies to an email address.
  2. It uses reverse chronological order.
  2. 它用了時(shí)間倒序。
  This is the most helpful for recruiters because they're able to see what you've been doing in recent years immediately. The only time you shouldn't do this is if you're trying to transition to another career altogether, but then again, in this situation, you'll probably be relying more on networks than your resume.
  3. It uses keywords like "forecasting" and "strategic planning."
  3. 它用了“預(yù)測”和“戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃”之類的關(guān)鍵字。
  Many companies use some kind of screening process to identify the right candidates. You should include the keywords mentioned in the job posting throughout your resume, this will help you make it past the initial screenings and on to the recruiter or hiring manager.
  4. It does not list achievements in dense blocks of text.
  4. 它沒有密密麻麻的列出成就。
  Recruiters receive so many resumes to scan through at a time, so make it as easy as possible for them to understand why you're perfect for the job. Dense blocks of text are too difficult to read.
  5. Instead, achievements are listed in two to five bullet points per job.
  5. 相反,每份工作的成就列了兩到五個(gè)要點(diǎn)。
  Under each job or experience you've had, explain how you contributed to or supported your team’s projects. As you build up your experience, save the bullets for yourbragging points.
  6. It quantifies achievements.
  6. 它量化了成就。
  Quantify your major accomplishments and contributions for each role, this can include the money you saved or brought in for your employer, deals closed, and projects delivered on time or under budget.
  7. Accomplishments are formatted as result-and-then-cause.
  7. 它寫成就時(shí)用了“先果后因”的格式。
  A good rule is to use the "result BY action" sentence structure whenever possible. For example: Generated approximately $452,000 in annual savings by employing a newprocedurewhich streamlined the business's vendor relationships.
  8. White space draws the reader's eyes to important points.
  8. “留白”讓讀者看到重點(diǎn)。
  Recruiters do not spend a lot of time scanning resumes, so avoid dense blocks of text. The key is to format the information in a way that makes it easy to scan and recognize your job goals and relevant qualifications.
  9. It does not include images.
  9. 它沒有包括圖像。
  Avoid adding any embedded tables, pictures, or other images in your resume, as this can jumble your resume in the system.
  10. It doesn't use headers or footers.
  10. 它沒用頁眉或頁腳。
  It may look neat and concise to display your contact information in the header, but for the same reason with embedded tables and charts, it often gets scrambled in an applicant system.

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-05-22 作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽:
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