英國大學排名網介紹:簡歷(Resume或curriculum vitae)是留學申請材料中的重要文件。簡歷是概括性介紹自己經歷的一篇文章,把需要補充的,沒有在其他文書材料中體現(xiàn)出來的東西寫在簡歷里。簡歷是展示申請人概況最直觀的方式,它的質量高低將直接影響申請的成功率。為了能讓對方清晰地了解申請者,建立在寫作方面應力求全面、真實、簡介、明了。就此本文簡要介紹一篇個人簡歷的范文,想要留學英國的同學可以參考一下。
  My name is Harry Lin. On May 25, 1958, I was born in Xinying, a little town in Southern Fujian. My father is a farmer, p... My name is Harry Lin. On May 25, 1958, I was born in Xinying, a little town in Southern Fujian. My father is a farmer, planting bananas and pineapples, and my mother takes care of the house. I have two brothers and one sister. Though not well-to-do, my parents have been able to provide the whole family with sufficient means to live decently and enjoy all modern conveniences. My early education was received in my hometown, i.e. six years in primary school and three years in junior middle school. After completing nine years of formal education in 1958. I went to Xiamen and participated in the joint entrance examination for five-year junior colleges. Fortunately, I was admitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Xiamen Junior Engineering College. I chose Electrical Engineering as my major because, on the one hand , I liked Physics very much; and on the other hand, electrical industry is a major sector of the economy of China.
  The five years of intensive training came to an end in June 1978 when I received a diploma. And in July 1980. I was hired by Nan Ya plastic Company and have served as a junior electrical engineer at the company to the present. I enjoy the work and feel competent for the job.
  In working, however, I ve Found that what I have learned in school is limited and far from sufficient to handle sophisticated jobs. Therefore, I have decided to extend my education and would like to enter an American institution firstly to earn a Bachelor s degree in Electrical Engineering. Then, if possible, I would like to continue my education toward a Master s degree.
  After this objective is reached, I will return to my country and seek a job in a public firm. Most probably I will continue to work with Nan Ya Plastic Company.
發(fā)布時間:2020-06-08 作者:大學生新聞網來源:大學生新聞網 瀏覽:
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