
冰皮月餅定義及做法 英漢對(duì)照


Ingredients :材料:
50g Short grain rice powder50克 粘米粉
110g Wheat starch110克 小麥澄粉
80g Caster sugar80克 細(xì)砂糖
80g Sweetened condensed milk80克 煉乳
400ml Unsweetened condensed milk400毫升 淡奶
60g Shortening60克 白油
3g Unsweetened cacao powder3克 可可粉
500-600g Bean paste500-600克 豆沙餡
2 tbsp Glutinous rice powder2大勺 糯米粉
Stir together rice flours, wheat starch, sugar, sweetened and unsweetened condensed milk in a bowl. Steam the mixture for 30 minutes on high heat. Remove and cool briefly aside. Rub in the shortening and mix until the dough is smooth and soft。糯米粉,粘米粉,小麥粉,細(xì)糖,煉乳和淡奶放入盆里,攪拌均勻后旺火蒸30分鐘左右。取出稍晾涼片刻,加入白油揉成光滑柔軟的團(tuán)狀。
Divide the dough into two portions and divide one of them again into half. Mix cacao powder with one and matcha with the other until combined. Divide each flavour of dough into 28 portions. Prepare the filling too into 28 portions. Microwave two tablespoons of glutinous rice powder with strong heat for about 1 minute until cooked。面團(tuán)勻分成兩份,其中一份再分兩小份。1小份加入可可粉揉成淡咖啡色可可餅皮,另外1小份加入抹茶粉揉成綠色抹茶餅皮。將3種不同顏色的餅皮各分成28份,豆沙餡也分成28份。2大勺糯米粉用微波強(qiáng)火熱1分鐘至熟成為手粉。
Dust the mooncake mould (50-63 grams) and tap to remove excess rice flour. Take one portion from each 3 colours of dough and combine them into a round. Flatten out the dough and center the filling. Seal and shape into a ball. Lightly coat the surface with prepared cooked glutinous rice flour. Press each into mooncake mould and then push lightly out on a serving plate. Cover tightly with plastic film and chill for 1-2 hours。灑些熟糯米粉在月餅?zāi)W觾?nèi)(大小50-63克),拍出多余的粉。每種顏色的餅皮各取1份粘合成圓,按扁后放上1份豆沙包緊,收口后搓圓。表面拍上薄薄一層熟糯米粉,入模子壓好成型,推出放在盤子,蓋上保鮮膜冷藏1-2小時(shí)即可食用。
    作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)
    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-18 瀏覽:
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