10 Things you can Do to Impress your Boss

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10 Things you can Do to Impress your Boss
We all need various things in life. From a house to the branded accessories; we need it all. That is the purpose we work right? To fulfill all our needs. We try to advance and flourish in our jobs so that we become more capable of fulfilling our and our family needs. The person who decides your career at the office is your boss. The person who guards the way to your promotion is your boss. It is therefore very important to be a good employee from your boss’s perspective It is very important to keep your boss happy. Once he is happy with you nothing can get in the way of your promotions and your dreams. The following are top 10 the ways you can use to impress your boss.
10. Stop the lift.
Your boss in indeed the busiest person in the office. He takes care of the entire staff. He keeps a check on the production quality and expense. He is always under pressure to meet the deadline. You therefore find your boss always on the run. You can show some acknowledgement to your boss’s work load. When you see him speeding towards the lift help him get the lift. If you away then tell the people in to halt the lift. If you in it simply halt the lift till your boss gets in. Give him a smile as he gets in. If you see him panting offer him some water. I am sure he will appreciate your courtesy long after the favor.
9. Greet your boss.
In the office your mannerisms matter a lot. A morally and socially good person is seen as a team man which is a very important for a leader. When you see your boss in the morning greet him a good morning. Don’t just keep it a blunt morning ; add to it “have a nice day”. Wish your mates on the floor as well. This shows your manners and not just an act for your boss.If there is some important meeting that your boss is going to wish him a good luck. Tell him that you have all the faith in him and he wil rock the meeting. Your boss will definitely appreciate your faith in him.
8. Be resourceful.
What you know about your job and company matters a lot. Be equipped with the information on the latest happenings in your office even if its not your job. The latest product your company is launching or some policy that it is framing; get to know about it. Try to do your own survey and check about the competitors in the market. Try to know the inside story. If you have read an article in the newspaper or magazine that is relevant to your company and can be used by the people then circulate it. Scan a copy and mail to others including your boss. Clip a copy to the notice board. If your boss has some meeting mail him some piece of information that would be helpful. This will built up trust between you and your boss and he will take you as someone dependable.
7. Willingly volunteer.
There are many things happening at the office. There are presentations taking place, at times it is required for the employees to represent their company in front of a crowd. There are outdoor activities where in you need to meet clients at times. There are collaborative meet ups. Go ahead and volunteer for them If there is a presentation coming up go ahead give your name for it. Let your boss see how much pride you take in representing your own company. If there is your boss’s birthday or company’s anniversay go ahead and organise a party. Show good leadership skills. Your boss will surely notice your enthusiasm and may even reward you for it.
6. Give credit.
You work under someone at the office. Also there are a few employees working under you. Whatever that happens at the office is therefore a combined effort. Even though it was your idea in doing a particular work but it was the support of your team that made it possible. Whenever you get appreciated for a task share that with your team . Tell your boss that the success is not entirely yours. If you receive any bonus or stuff share it with your team. This team play will be taken very healthily by your boss. He requires people who can motivate his staff and get the best out of them.
5. Have lunch together.
Do not hesitate from your boss. He is just like any other individual. Like any other man he too will be fond of food. If you have some great stuff in your tiffin go ahead and offer some to your boss. If you having lunch in a group and you see him ; then without fail invite him. He joins in or not is his call ; but he will never forget your gesture.If you know what he likes at times get something especially for him. Make him feel that you respect him a lot and he is important for you.
4. Your work desk.
Your work desk is your little office for you. It is where you do all your work. Your table holds everything from your important files to your pen on it. Whenever your boss finds you your work desk is the first thing he will notice. Make sure it is not a mess. Keep everything well organised. Keep your finished work on one side and pending on the other. Use cabinets or shelves to keep lesser burden on the table. A heavily loaded table shows you not a quick worker and a completely clean table shows the same. So keep only a few important files on the table and rest on the shelf.
3. Money saving suggestions.
The ultimate goal for running any business is making profits. There are two ways to make profit; either to increase sales or decrease costs. In either of the two if you have any input that can be used bring it to your boss’s notice. A production plant is always in need of raw materials. If you know a dealer with whom you can bag a cheaper deal than tell your boss about it. Mail him your suggestion with details if he prefers mails as mode of communication. If you have any suggestion for improving sales or defeating competition then approach your boss. He will appreciate you lending a hand in easing his burden. He might help you with a bonus or increment may be.
2. Say a no.
A company always holds up meetings . There are always approaches from your boss to get your feedback. Whenever in a meeting or personally if your boss asks you something and you don’t agree then say so. Do not blindly say a yes. Your boss appreciates a man with his own perspective and guts to state it. Keep forth your point humbly with your input on it. If your boss does not agree then do not argue or get defensive. Simply accept your boss’s point of view. Even though your point was not accepted your boss will remeber that image of you. He surely requires employees who are not simply yes saying puppets. He might discuss other things with you the next time to get your unbiased input.
1. Work hard.
Undoubtedly there is no other way to impress your boss than your hard work. Your work speaks for you. Offering lunches and opinions are pointless if you lacking in your work. Your approaches and suggestions make a change when you a hundred percent with your work. You have to be on time with your projects. If there is any urgency see that you are willing to oblige. If there are other work as well for you then ask your boss for his priority and do that first. If there is something others are avoiding due to the work invovled go ahead and take it. You can do it if you work hard. No work of yours goes unnoticed. Your boss will surely pay you for your hard work when the time comes. You become one of his dependable.
    作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)
    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-26 瀏覽:
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