  • Successful people look farther成功
  • 機(jī)遇就存在于生活的細(xì)節(jié)中。同樣的一件事,一個成功的人會看得更多更遠(yuǎn)……

    John and Bobby joined a wholesale company togther just after graduation fr
  • 2018-06-13 關(guān)注:122
  • dreams Healthy and Fit 夢想
  • 完美人生是什么樣子呢?伯恩·崔西(Brian Tracy)告訴我們,以下四大夢想成就完美人生:

    Healthy and Fit

    The first goal common to all of us i
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:118
  • Vitamin supplement 心靈維他命
  • 身體健康需要補(bǔ)充維他命,精神健康也要補(bǔ)充“心靈維他命”。你是自己思想的產(chǎn)物!用英語說就是“You are what you feed your mind”或者“You ar
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:119
  • October 十月
  • 十月的一個刮大風(fēng)的日子,媽媽打電話到學(xué)校里告訴我外公死了。和外婆一樣,他也是患中風(fēng)死的。我這才明白,我和他在池塘釣魚的那天早晨,為何他解釋天鵝之死時顯得那么艱難
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:116
  • The pen of life 生命的筆
  • Suppose someone gave you a pen - a sealed, solid-colored pen.

    You couldn't see how much ink it had. It might
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:122
  • suffering to live幸福的機(jī)會
  • He and she were sitting face to face. At this moment, the landlord came in and asked, “Are you sure you do not rent the house any more?” He kept sil
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:121
  • try to remember the good things回憶
  • Try to Remember the Good Things 回憶美好

    When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:124
  • greatest is freedom自由重要
  • Of all the wonderful gifts that we've been given, one of the greatest is freedom.

    As much a
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:137
  • To light a candle重新點(diǎn)亮蠟燭
  • 失去親人是一件痛苦的事,但是請不要一直沉浸在悲痛之中,因?yàn)槟愕挠H人們在天國也不會希望你消沉、不快樂的。

    A man had a little daughter—an only and much-lov
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:146
  • Erase a smile from a memory擦除記憶微笑
  • 歲月是一把無情的刻刀,改變了我們的模樣,然而記憶中的那片湖水卻依然清澈如初,不曾改變。我們不能活在回憶里,卻不能忘記回憶,因?yàn)樗菍儆谖覀兠總人的財富。就讓回憶
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:125
  • One is always on a strange road 陌生的路
  • 1.One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget a
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:148
  • thankful for what you have today!感謝擁有
  • Step one:

    Plant your deep in a bed of faith, and pack it down solid and tight. Drench daily with positive thinking and keep saturated just right. Much often
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:135
  • I will act now. 我現(xiàn)在就付諸行動
  • The Scroll Marked IX 羊皮卷之九

    My dreams are worthless, my plans are dust, my goals are impossible.

  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:139
  • multiply my value a hundredfold.重視自己價值
  • The Scroll Marked Eight 羊皮卷之八

    Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.


    A mulberry leaf touched with the geni
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:118
  • Time will turn the clock back時光會倒流嗎
  • I will live this day as if it is my last.


    And what shall I do with this last precious day which remains in my keeping? Firs
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:143
  • master of my emotions學(xué)會控制情緒
  • Today I will be master of my emotions.


    The tides advance; the tides recede. Winter goes and summer comes. summer wanes and the cold i
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:149
  • When Love Beckons You當(dāng)愛召喚你
  • When Love Beckons You

    When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you, yield to him, though the sw
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:103
  • Summer is us 夏天是我們的
  • 在還是小女孩的時候,夏天是我們的,那時,我家住在田納西河畔。在那些永無盡頭、一天天彼此交融的濕潤夏日里,我們?nèi)隽艘暗嘏苤]有學(xué)校的管束,沒有規(guī)則的羈絆,沒有父
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:123
  • That is the tears of joy 那是喜悅的淚水
  • 整個月過去了,盡管我們百般努力,瑪麗依然沒能從失去母親的絕望和痛苦中恢復(fù)過來。她孤獨(dú)而自閉,讓人難以接近。三月末的一天,我的一個學(xué)生提議為了迎接春天的到來,給教
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:142
  • call me color?有色種人
  • Dear white, something you got to know


    When I was born, I was black.


    When I grow up
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:117
  • Unwilling to submit to disease
  • 泰勒不愿屈服于致命的疾病。我們都驚嘆生命帶給他那純樸的歡樂和賦予他的活力。泰勒的媽媽經(jīng)常逗他說,他跑得那么快,得給他穿件紅衣服,這樣才能一眼發(fā)現(xiàn)他。

  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:124
  • Subtle淡淡的
  • I like the subtle fresh green budding from the branches of the tree--the herald of spring, ushering in the dawn...

    我喜歡這種淡淡的感覺 我喜歡看樹枝上那淡淡
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:105
  • Hang In There堅持一下
  • When Difficulties Arise..."Hang In There"


    Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, copin
  • 2018-06-12 關(guān)注:119
  • Enough is enough適可而止
  • A man is known by the company he keeps they say. If it is so,then everyone is bound to have their baggage of loneliness with them as companions.loneliness is no
  • 2018-06-11 關(guān)注:125
  • Need powe需要力量
  • It takes strength to do what must be done when the work is unpleasant and uncomfortable.

  • 2018-06-11 關(guān)注:109
  • flying feet青春飛逝
  • There are gains for all our losses.

    There are balms for all our pain:

    But when youth, the dream, departs

    It takes something from our hearts,

    And it
  • 2018-06-11 關(guān)注:115
  • Labor Conquers All Things勞動征服一切
  • If I Rest, I Rust

    The significant inscription found on an old key---“If I rest, I rust”---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflic
  • 2018-06-11 關(guān)注:137
  • The dreams of love and truth夢想愛與真理
  • The pure.the bright,the beautiful,


    That stirred our hearts in youth,

    The impulses to wordless
  • 2018-06-11 關(guān)注:174
  • In order to earn money為了掙錢
  • In order to tell what I believe, I must briefly sketch something of my personal history.


    The turning point
  • 2018-06-11 關(guān)注:135
  • best of whatever you are!做最好自己
  • If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill,


    Be a scrub in the valley---but be


    The be
  • 2018-06-11 關(guān)注:116
  • Health is valuable 健康可貴
  • 我們都讀過震撼人心的故事,故事中的主人公只能再活一段很有限的時光,有時長達(dá)一年,有時卻短至一日。但我們總是想要知道,注定要離世人的會選擇如何度過自己最后的時光。
  • 2018-06-11 關(guān)注:145