
當第15屆世青賽的大幕在荷蘭烏德勒支緩緩落下時,一位身高只有1.70米的阿根廷少年將一個巨人的背影留給了全世界。他,叫做利昂內爾·安德烈斯·梅西(Lionel Andrés Messi)。世青賽的最佳球員,巴薩的鋒線殺手,小將梅西承載著阿根廷乃至整個世界的希望。 
History is the beginning of happiness in the track road. Seven-year-old when this little guy in Newell's Old Boys team lauded. But the 11-year-old Massey was diagnosed with the lack of hormones, which will hinder the growth of his bones. Home economic conditions unbearable Xiaomei West treatment costs, the family decided to go to Spain for immigration solution. In September 2000, only 13-year-old is only 140cm, Messi went to the Barcelona trial. The Catalan people without hesitation gave his club and made arrangements for him to the registration of medical treatment. Now Rosario from the 17-year-old young man has to 170cm long. In 2004, he became the history of Barcelona in the race on behalf of the first team played the youngest player. 
When the 15th tournament of the screen slowly descended Utrecht in the Netherlands, only a height of 1.70 meters Argentina will be a giant young-looking left the whole world. He called (Lionel Messi Andrés). Tournament's best player, Barcelona striker killer Lionel Messi of Argentina carrying the hope and even the entire world. 
In 2000, 13-year-old Ronaldinho joined Barcelona, and youth team level competition started flashing. The 38-game scoring 31 outstanding performance, he was Rijkaard's attention quickly, the Dutch decided to give him a chance. In November 2003 a match, only the first 16-year-old Messi played a representative of Barcelona. 
But Massey, a representative of Barcelona in the race or played in a year later - in October 2004 of the Spanish league Barcelona, Messi in the 83rd minute to replace Deco play, and 17 years 3 months and 22 days on age, but also on behalf of Argentina teenager become a club in the league in the second youngest player. He is the only transcend ethnic legendary Barcelona striker Alcantara Philippines, which is 15-year-old representative of a club team competition. Macy's presence means that Barca have too many club records will be broken, on May 1, 2005, the club Albacete Messi, with a minute to remember nicely as a team for the Barcelona goal of the young players. 06-07 season's Champions League home match against Liverpool Machakos resistant Messi, into a career in the first goal in Europe. 
Barcelona right Santander competitive game, the rest of the individual performances reached a peak, in the game he has shown easily, one of the five people - even most classic scenes, the first 52 minutes, he cheated the other guard clever match. Now, for Messi cheers almost become a fixed scenic Camp Stadium. The Italian sports newspaper "all sports" organizations "Jin Award" winners, Messi overwhelmingly elected Wayne beat 2005 rookie of the year in Europe.

「標簽: 英語演講稿3分鐘」
發(fā)布時間:2018-06-11 作者:大學生新聞網來源:大學生新聞網 瀏覽:
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