


Dear teachers, students:

Hello everyone! Today, I stand here, on behalf of all the students of grade nine in our alma mater to say goodbye, say goodbye to x 3 teachers, to say goodbye to the elbow classmates, to this section can not forget the years to say goodbye! Let us sincerely to the teacher say: Thank you to my juniors to say!

At this moment, my mood is very excited, that is, the joy of graduation, but also can not cover the infinite memories and nostalgia. Three years of study time, pronto, but a lot of memories will become our life's most treasured Collections: luxuriant poplar, spacious playground, picturesque promenade, the bright classroom. We must remember freshman when you I have set ambitious, must remember in the classroom, library and laboratory you I diligently study, research figure, remember the teacher of inculcation and exercises to obtain a breakthrough when you and I kind of heartfelt joy, must remember in the playground you I lively exercise scene, too many scenes worthy of us to recall. In the past three years, we go hard and happy, three years of life, we have full and beautiful, we shed tears, but with laughter, we are marching thorns but olfactory million in the fragrance.

Three years of junior high school life, enable us from a naive child, become an aspiring young people; never leave my parents' arms that are not afraid of hard insurance, the courage to fight. Three years, more than 1 thousand and 50 day and night, armed with the knowledge of my alma mater unremittingly. Now, not only do we learn the language, mathematics, and learn the physics and chemistry, not only pick up a pen to write articles, and know the molecules and atoms and all kinds of knowledge. The most important point is that I am more aware of how to love China, love socialism, and safeguard world peace. This is the result of school education, which is the crystallization of the teachers' blood.

On the occasion of this graduation, I thank his alma mater, beautiful, gave me nectar of knowledge, wisdom, strength and life of truth; thanks to my dear teachers that Chun Chun teachings and selfless love, you of our debt is higher than the mountains, than the sea.

Today's graduation is not only a summary of yesterday, but also a call for tomorrow. We're going to go to high school in the future. Will go to college for further study, will carry a gun to defend the motherland's border, going up the hill to find mine, will go to the factory to work, to the vast wilderness up till. We will also run all over the world, to New York, Paris, london. But we no matter in what place, no matter what we do, we are always here and heart. Teachers, please believe that we will maintain a new place in the new student's fine tradition, to fight, to struggle, to create, will not live up to your trust!

Third of all the students, although we graduated, but you still have to live and study here, I hope you will study hard, solidarity, pay attention to civilization, discipline, not only to become a qualified secondary school students, but also to to do a useful only the pillars of the motherland and work hard.

Finally, we sincerely wish dear alma mater and dear teacher: always beautiful! Forever young! Happy forever。









「標簽: 初中英語演講稿」
發布時間:2018-06-18 作者:大學生新聞網來源:大學生新聞網 瀏覽:
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