



My big idea is a very, very small idea that can unlock billions of big ideas that are at the moment dormant inside us. And my little idea that will do that is sleep.

room of type-A women. This is a room of sleep-deprived women. And I learned the hard way, the value of sleep. Two-and-a-half years ago, I fainted from exhaustion. I hit my head on my desk. I broke my cheekbone, I got five stitches on my right eye. And I began the journey of rediscovering the value of sleep. And in the course of that, I studied, I met with medical doctors, scientists, and I'm here to tell you that the way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is getting enough sleep.

And we women are going to lead the way in this new revolution, this new feminist issue. We are literally going to sleep our way to the top, literally.

Because unfortunately for men, sleep deprivation has become a virility symbol. I was recently having dinner with a guy who bragged that he had only gotten four hours sleep the night before. And I felt like saying to him -- but I didn't say it -- I felt like saying, "You know what? If you had gotten five, this dinner would have been a lot more interesting."

There is now a kind of sleep deprivation one-upmanship. Especially here in Washington, if you try to make a breakfast date, and you say, "How about eight o'clock?" they're likely to tell you, "Eight o'clock is too late for me, but that's okay, I can get a game of tennis in and do a few conference calls and meet you at eight." And they think that means that they are so incredibly busy and productive, but the truth is they're not, because we, at the moment, have had brilliant leaders in business, in finance, in politics, making terrible decisions. So a high I.Q. does not mean that you're a good leader, because the essence of leadership is being able to see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic. And we've had far too many icebergs hitting our Titanics.

In fact, I have a feeling that if Lehman Brothers was Lehman Brothers and Sisters, they might still be around. (Applause) While all the brothers were busy just being hyper-connected 24/7, maybe a sister would have noticed the iceberg, because she would have woken up from a seven-and-a-half- or eight-hour sleep and have been able to see the big picture.

So as we are facing all the multiple crises in our world at the moment, what is good for us on a personal level, what's going to bring more joy, gratitude, effectiveness in our lives and be the best for our own careers is also what is best for the world. So I urge you to shut your eyes and discover the great ideas that lie inside us, to shut your engines and discover the power of sleep.

Thank you.

我的絕妙想法 實際上看似微不足道,但是卻能夠激發層出不窮的絕妙創意。這些想法雪藏于酣睡時我們的大腦中.那么如何用我的想法使之釋放呢?就是睡覺。

在座的各位女士都是最優秀的人。在座的各位女士,也都飽受睡眠不足的折磨。我不輟的思索著, 睡眠的價值、兩年半以前, 我因過度勞累而暈倒。頭撞在了桌子上,下頜骨也骨折了, 我的右眼縫了5針。而后我便開始 重新探索睡眠的價值。在這個過稱中, 我深入研究, 與醫學博士,科學家們會面, 那么我今天想告訴大家想要變的更加高效, 更有激情,生活更加有趣,請保持睡眠充足。


因為很不幸地, 對男士們來說, 睡眠不足成了男子漢氣概的象征。我最近和一位男士一起吃晚餐 他和我吹噓前一晚只睡了4個小時。其實我想對他說--不過還是沒說出口-- 我想要說的是,“你知道嗎? 要是你能多睡一個小時, 那今晚的談話會比現在有趣的多。”

現在有一種睡眠不足 叫做“虛榮心作祟”。尤其是在華盛頓這里,如果你想預約一頓早餐, 比如,“八點鐘怎么樣?” 他們會說,“八點鐘對我來說太晚了, 不過沒關系,我可以在和你見面之前先 打上一局網球再打幾個電話會議。” 那么他們會認為這樣意味著,他們是如此的忙碌和高效, 但是事實卻并非如此, 因為當前世界, 我們有十分精明的領導者在商界,金融界,政界, 他們卻做了許多糟糕的決定。因此高智商并不是成為一個好領導者的唯一先決條件, 因為領導力的秘訣在于能具有超乎常人的預見力。但是事實上我們卻為此受到太多次的教訓。

事實上,我覺得 如果雷曼兄弟 換成雷曼兄妹的話, 那么他們還不至于破產倒閉。因為當所有的男士們在忙著 像機器一樣一刻不停的連軸轉時, 也許有一位女士會注意到將要來臨的危機, 因為她會從七個半小時或者八個小時的睡眠中醒來,并對全局形勢透徹于心。

因此當我們面臨當今生活中的重重危機時, 在個人層面上睡個好覺對我們有利, 在我們生活中,睡個好覺能夠帶給我們歡愉,感激, 和高效, 它也對我們的職業發展有利, 同時睡個好覺也是世界上最美好的東西。因此我極力建議各位合上雙眼,發掘深藏于我們思維中的妙思, 停止機器般運轉的身體并發現睡眠的魔力。


「標簽: ted演講稿」
發布時間:2018-06-18 作者:大學生新聞網來源:大學生新聞網 瀏覽:
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