      他問百老匯音樂劇“貓”和“劇院魅影”的主編舞者Gillian Lynne:“你是如何成為一名舞者的?”Gillian說,這是個(gè)很有意思的問題。在她還是個(gè)學(xué)生的時(shí)候,學(xué)校寫信給她的父母說:“我們認(rèn)為你們的女兒Gillian有先天性的學(xué)習(xí)障礙。”于是Gillian被帶去看了專家醫(yī)生。在診療室里,她坐在一旁的座位上(準(zhǔn)確地說,是坐在自己的手上),聽著她母親對(duì)醫(yī)生滔滔不絕地抱怨著Gillian在學(xué)校里遇到的種種問題——“她很難耐心地聽老師講課,她注意力渙散,她總是在打擾其他人,她的作業(yè)總是遲交......” 等等等等。在她母親講完了她孩子所有的毛病以后,醫(yī)生坐到Gillian身旁,說:“Gillian,我認(rèn)真聽了你母親所說的每一句話,我需要和她單獨(dú)聊一下。不會(huì)花太久時(shí)間。”然后醫(yī)生和她母親兩人就離開了房間。但醫(yī)生在離開房間之前,打開了桌上的收音機(jī)。當(dāng)他們走出房間以后,醫(yī)生對(duì)Gillian母親說:“你只要耐心觀察就好。”在他們走出房間的幾分鐘后,Gillian說,她就站起來,隨著音樂跳了起來。醫(yī)生和她母親透過玻璃看了一會(huì),轉(zhuǎn)過身對(duì)Gillian母親說:“你女兒沒病。她只是一個(gè)舞者。把她送到一所舞蹈學(xué)校去就好。”后來,她母親確實(shí)把她送去了舞蹈學(xué)校。她遇到了一大群和她一樣需要不斷移動(dòng)才能思考的人們?cè)俸髞,她參加了皇家芭蕾舞學(xué)院的面試,她成為了一個(gè)出色的舞者,從皇家芭蕾舞學(xué)院畢業(yè)后,她成立了自己的公司,Gillian Lynne舞蹈公司,并與Andrew Lloyd Weber一起,制作了百老匯歷史上最有名的一些音樂劇,給上百萬人帶去了歡樂。
      A story that was clicked 27 million 540 thousand times.
  He asked the Broadway musical "Cats" and "phantom" dancer Gillian Lynne editor in chief: "are you how to become a dancer?" Gillian said, this is a very interesting question. When she was a student, the school wrote to her parents, "we think your daughter, Gillian, has a congenital learning disability."." So Gillian was taken to see the doctor. In the clinic, she sat on the seat (precisely, is sitting on his hand), listening to her mother to the doctor complaining about problems off the reel Gillian encountered in school: "it was difficult for her to patiently listen to the teacher, she is always in her inattention, disturb the other people, her work always late..."... Etc.. After her mother had finished all her children's problems, the doctor sat down next to Gillian and said, "Gillian, I'm listening to every word you said. I need to talk to her alone.". Will not spend too much time." Then the doctor and her mother left the room in two. But the doctor turned the radio on the table before he left the room. When they walked out of the room, the doctor said to Gillian's mother, "you just have to be patient." After they had walked out of the room for a few minutes, Gillian said, she stood up and danced with the music. The doctor and her mother looked through the glass for a moment and then turned to Gillian and said, "your daughter is not sick. She's just a dancer. Send her to a dance school." Later, her mother did send her to a dance school. She met a large group of people like her to move to think later, she attended the Royal Ballet School interview, she became an excellent dancer, graduated from the Royal Ballet School, founded her own company, Gillian Lynne dance company, and Andrew Lloyd Weber together, making some of the most famous Broadway musical history, for millions of people with joy.
  "If you change a doctor, he is likely to get Gillian to take medicine regularly from that day until she becomes the same as the other students."
  一篇發(fā)表在New Republic上的長文章在美國高等教育界中引起了很大的反響。
  這篇文章的作者是在耶魯大學(xué)教了十年書的英語教授William Deresiewicz。他在文章中說:“我們所謂優(yōu)秀的教育體系,生產(chǎn)了一大批年輕人,他們聰明、有天賦、積極進(jìn)取,但同時(shí)也彷徨、猶豫、迷失,他們深陷于追逐優(yōu)秀的泡沫中,有能力把他們正在做的事情做得很好,但是卻不知道他們?yōu)槭裁丛谧鲞@些事情。”“Our system of elite education manufactures young people who are smart and talented and driven, yes, but also anxious, timid, and lost...trapped in a bubble of privilege, heading meekly in the same direction, great at what they’re doing but with no idea why they’re doing it.”
  這讓新一代的家長和學(xué)生開始思考,教育的意義究竟是什么?上一個(gè)年代,人們受到的“教育”是,如果你努力學(xué)習(xí),成績優(yōu)秀,進(jìn)入一所好的大學(xué),你就能得到一份好的工作。這是一條“追求卓越”的線性道路。但這個(gè)時(shí)代的學(xué)生已經(jīng)不再認(rèn)同這條道路。確實(shí),你最好能夠上一所好的大學(xué)。但這不再意味著你一定還能在這個(gè)競爭激烈的社會(huì)里找到好的工作——尤其是當(dāng)你在這條追求變成“好學(xué)生”的道路上,付出了“犧牲自我天賦”的代價(jià)。因?yàn)檫@樣,一個(gè)學(xué)生就失去了他最大的競爭力。人和人都是不一樣的。每個(gè)人生來都有他特有的天賦。這個(gè)道理很多人都知道。但是很多人忽略的是,天賦這個(gè)東西,跟大多數(shù)寶藏一樣,是埋得很深的。它需要被挖掘,被鼓勵(lì),被催化,在合適的環(huán)境下,才會(huì)顯現(xiàn)出來。這才有了真正有效的教育,以及它應(yīng)該有的意義:認(rèn)可、支持、催化每個(gè)學(xué)生找到自己與他人不同的天賦。而不是去阻礙這個(gè)過程,去將所有學(xué)生壓成同一個(gè)形狀。這意味著父母和老師應(yīng)該重視那些被傳統(tǒng)價(jià)值體系忽略的閃光點(diǎn)——認(rèn)可它們,鼓勵(lì)它們。尤其是認(rèn)可那些看似偏離了“好學(xué)生”道路,但確實(shí)是在用實(shí)際行動(dòng),努力嘗試著挖掘自己天賦的年輕人。在那個(gè)TED演講的結(jié)尾中,Ken Robinson說:“我遇到過一些人,他們并不喜歡自己做的工作,他們每天都在忍受著而不是享受著他們做的事,他們總是在等待周末的到來。”“我也遇到過一些人,他們非常享受自己做的奇特的事情,他們無法想象自己做著其它的任何工作。如果你跟他說:“別做這個(gè)了,跟其他人一樣吧”,他會(huì)聽不懂你在說什么。因?yàn)檫@不僅是他做的工作,這就是他找到的最真實(shí)的自己。”所以,當(dāng)一個(gè)真正的教育者說,你真是一個(gè)“Extraordinary”的學(xué)生!他說的往往不是“頂尖”或者“卓越”的意思。
      The significance of Education
  A long article published on Republic New in the United States caused great repercussions in the United States higher education sector.
  The author of this article is Deresiewicz William, an English professor at the Yale University, which has taught for ten years. He said in the article: "we called excellent education system, producing a large number of young people, they are smart, talented and aggressive, but also hesitate, hesitation, they lost deep in chasing excellent foam, have the ability to do things they are doing very well, but not know why they do these things." "Our system of elite education manufactures young people who are smart and talented and driven, yes but, also anxious, timid and, lost trapped in a bubble of... Privilege heading meekly in the, same direction, great at what they re doing but with no 'idea why they' re doing it"
  This allows a new generation of parents and students began to think, what is the meaning of education? A's, people are the "education" is that if you work hard, good grades, enter a good university, you can get a good job. This is a "pursuit of excellence" of the linear path. But the students of this era no longer agree with this path. It is true that you had better be able to go to a good university. But it no longer means you can in this competitive society to find a good job, especially when you become a "good student" in the pursuit of the road, pay the cost of "self sacrifice talent". Because of this, a student loses his most competitive power. People and people are not the same. Every man has his own gift. A lot of people know this. But many people ignore the gift of this thing, like most of the treasures, is buried deep. It needs to be excavated, to be encouraged, to be catalyzed, in the right environment, to be revealed. There is a real and effective education, and it should have some meaning: recognition, support, and catalysis for each student to find his or her own different gifts. Instead of hindering the process, all students will be pressed into the same shape. This means that parents and teachers should pay attention to those that are ignored by the traditional value system: recognize them and encourage them. In particular, the recognition of those who appear to deviate from the "good student" road, but it is actually a practical action, trying to dig their own talent of young people. At the end of the TED speech, Ken Robinson said: "I met some people, they do not love their work, every day they endure not enjoying what they do, they are always waiting for the arrival of the weekend." "I've met some people who really enjoy the strange things they do, and they can't imagine doing anything else. If you tell him, "don't do this, just like everyone else," he will not understand what you are saying. Because this is not only his work, this is what he found the most true self." So, when a true educator says, you are really a "Extraordinary" student! He says is often not "top" or "excellent" meaning.
  What he says is the people who are different from the "Ordinary". Those in the mainstream value of the people may be intense darkness without light. Those who put in the "elite" side, looks like a common to no longer ordinary rape, but in a strange place is full of potential "ordinary" students.

「標(biāo)簽: ted演講稿」
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-06 作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽:
  • 小學(xué)生競選紀(jì)律委員發(fā)言稿
  • 小學(xué)生競選紀(jì)律委員發(fā)言稿
  • 在學(xué)習(xí)、工作生活中,發(fā)言稿的使用頻率越來越高,發(fā)言稿在寫作上具有一定的格式要求。怎樣寫發(fā)言稿才能更好地發(fā)揮其做用呢?
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:21
  • 慶“六一”班會(huì)發(fā)言稿
  • 在快速變化和不斷變革的新時(shí)代,我們可以使用發(fā)言稿的機(jī)會(huì)越來越多,發(fā)言稿可以起到整理演講者的思路、提示演講的內(nèi)容、限定演講的速度
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:11
  • 新學(xué)期德育主任發(fā)言稿
  • 新學(xué)期德育主任發(fā)言稿
  • 在我們平凡的日常里,發(fā)言稿在我們的視野里出現(xiàn)的頻率越來越高,發(fā)言稿是在一定的場合,面對(duì)一定的聽眾,發(fā)言人圍繞著主題講話的文稿。
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:14
  • 小學(xué)四年級(jí)家長會(huì)班主任發(fā)言稿
  • 小學(xué)四年級(jí)家長會(huì)班主任發(fā)言稿
  • 在現(xiàn)在社會(huì),我們都可能會(huì)用到發(fā)言稿,發(fā)言稿可以提高發(fā)言人的自信心,有助發(fā)言人更好地展現(xiàn)自己。那要怎么寫好發(fā)言稿呢?
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:20
  • 百日宴發(fā)言稿
  • 在不斷進(jìn)步的社會(huì)中,我們總不得不需要用到發(fā)言稿,發(fā)言稿要求內(nèi)容充實(shí),條理清楚,重點(diǎn)突出。
  • 05-20 關(guān)注:16
  • 高一新生代表發(fā)言稿
  • 高一新生代表發(fā)言稿
  • 大家好,我是學(xué)生代表XX。今天是新學(xué)年的第一天,也是我們師生的第一次聚會(huì),對(duì)于同學(xué)們來說,這里的一切都是新的——新的學(xué)校
  • 04-29 關(guān)注:19
  • 競選體育委員發(fā)言稿
  • 競選體育委員發(fā)言稿
  • 我信心十足的站在這里,是因?yàn),我要競選體育——體育委員。我為什么想要競選體育委員呢?是因?yàn),我相信,我能行?/li>
  • 04-29 關(guān)注:20
  • 一分鐘員工年會(huì)發(fā)言稿
  • 一分鐘員工年會(huì)發(fā)言稿
  • 開心伴著汗水,成功伴著艱辛,惋惜鼓勵(lì)搏斗,我們不知不覺地走進(jìn)了20xxx年。今晚我們歡聚正在x公司建立后的第x個(gè)年頭里,我和大眾的心
  • 04-29 關(guān)注:13