TO:xx-x (某國家大使館或領(lǐng)事館):
  This is the certification that XXX(姓名),his(her) passport number is xx-xxx-xxx-x(護照號碼)"> 蜜臀色欲AV无码人妻,天堂中文字幕一区二区三区,精品无码久久久久久久动漫app,成人无码AV片AV片AV无码
  TO:xx-x (某國家大使館或領(lǐng)事館):
  This is the certification that XXX(姓名),his(her) passport number is xx-xxx-xxx-x(護照號碼),is employer of our company.We hereby confirm he(she) is going to xx-x(國家) on travel.From XXX to XXX(時間).
  We Further guarantee he(she) will comply with local law and regulation during his(her) in Thailand and will also be back on time.Meanwhile,we are willing to retain his position until they come back.
  This certificate is issued to facilitate his(her) application for a visa for such a visiter.
  Working Certificate
  To British Embassy
  Whom It May Concern
  **** Development Co. Ltd. was founded in 1995 with the registered
  capital of RMB20, 000, 000. We mainly deal with *****.
  Mr. *** has been working in our company since 1995. Due to his
  outstanding working behavior, Mr. *** was promoted to the *** in
  charge of *****. Mr. *** worked hard and had opening up wide market
  for our company, which made our company has a stable position in the keener
  competition. His yearly salary is RMB 48,000 and his personal income tax
  has been deducted and paid by our company.
  For better development in the future, Mr. *** decided to go to Britain
  for further study. Our company needs high-qualified manager, so we totally
  agree with his study plan and sincerely hope that Mr. *** can come back
  to our company for further work after finishing his study.
  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information!
  Hereby certified!
  General Manager:
  ******Co. Ltd。
「標(biāo)簽: 工作證明書」
發(fā)布時間:2018-04-01 作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽:
  • 出資證明書參考示例
  • 出資證明書參考示例
  • 本協(xié)議中出資方是指承認(rèn)公司章程、認(rèn)繳出資額,公司設(shè)立后持有經(jīng)公司登記、法定代表人簽字蓋章的出資證明書者。
  • 04-03 關(guān)注:17
  • 簡單版醫(yī)保證明書參考
  • 茲證明同志為我校(聚寶中學(xué))教師,居民身份證號為,已按規(guī)定辦理了險。
  • 04-03 關(guān)注:28
  • 未婚證明書參考
  • 未婚證明書參考
  • 茲證明×××(男或女,××××年×月×日出生,現(xiàn)住泰國××市××街××號)至××××年×月×日離境之日,在中國居住期間未曾登記
  • 04-02 關(guān)注:16
  • 股東出資證明書模本
  • 記載于股東名冊的股東,可以依股東名冊主張行使股東權(quán)利。公司應(yīng)當(dāng)將股東的姓名或者名稱及其出資額向公司登記機關(guān)登記;
  • 04-02 關(guān)注:14
  • 解除合同證明書模本
  • ________同志,于____年____月____日進入本單位。最后一期勞動合同由____年____月____日至____年____月____日。
  • 04-02 關(guān)注:15
  • 公司離職證明書范本四篇
  • 公司離職證明書范本四篇
  • 雙方現(xiàn)已就經(jīng)濟補償金及勞動關(guān)系存續(xù)期間的所有問題達(dá)成一致,并已一次性結(jié)清。同時,甲方已為乙方辦妥離職手續(xù)。
  • 04-02 關(guān)注:15
  • 解除勞動合同證明書范本三篇
  • 解除勞動合同證明書范本三篇
  • 本單位與______________先生/女士(身份證號碼或者其他有效身份證件號碼:______________)簽訂的_______期限勞動合同
  • 04-02 關(guān)注:16
  • 公司解除勞動合同證明書
  • 茲有本單位職工____________,性別_____,年齡_____,住址_________________________。
  • 04-02 關(guān)注:15