You are alone ,butyou are
 This is a letter write to Marry and Max.

It is the third time I watched the famous Australia film in a week,I moved deeply by the story between Mary and Max.I even cried without control when Mary write the letter  with tears and when Max dead in his room in the end.It's the best films I watched before.I will never forget the saying of Max in the end,you are my best friend , you are my only friend ,and the voice he say it.

Dear Mary and Max,

My name is Duan Jingjing.I am 19 years 7 monthes and 14days old. I am a student of Xiang Tan University located in Hu Nan,China.I like running and I am not fat at all,but I have no idea how to lose weight or keep thin. I don't like eat chocolata,because it is little bitter for me.I don't known the Noblets before I watch you story. when I was young I never ask my parents where I am from, but I know the baby is not found in the bottom of the beer cup or the cola cans. 

Both of you concerned the other as you only friend,but I am the one you haven't known.I like Mary but also understand Max' s feel.I hope both of you are the real people in my life but not in the film,so I can set my letter to you instead of keeping by myself.


I confused sometimes even I do all I can to find out the answers by myself.I am a good child for my parents and teachers, no complains,no pains,no teers,no douts .Lack of ability to comunicate with others lead to a life in dark in the past few years .I try to be loyal to friends,and listen to them carefully when talk.They do not know my teirdness in my heart,Maybe someone know my thought and my feel tough I never told.


 This night ,my roomate's brithday,I drunk two cup of beer , got a serious headache. Everyone talk to each other happily .I ate the food silently and thought about my own business.I just can't entry the world you have .


I am terrible sorry about that as Mary wrote to Max.

not end……
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-02-05 作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 瀏覽:
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