
Firecrackers Use Should Be Decreased

In recent years, influenced byforeign cultures and the conception of environmental protection, more and morepeople in china, especially the young, are advocating that some traditionalcustoms or social conventions should be eliminated or weakened. As far as I amconcerned, we should reduce the number of firecrackers use.


There are some reasons accountingfor my view. First, burning firecrackers is a potential cause of fireaccidents, especially in the big city. Each year, we hear this kind of news happenin our country. Second, it is also a potential harm for our health, especiallyfor those who have suffered from respiratory diseases and asthma. Burningfirecrackers produces some harmful gases and that will induces these diseases.In addition, the noise caused by burning firecrackers is also a disturbance inour lives, and even that will induce one’s heart attack.


Finally, burning firecrackersmakes global warming become more serious and increases the weight of airpollution because of the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases it releases.


Therefore, I advocate that weshould decrease the number of firecrackers use when we are inheriting thetraditions. But I am not consent that we should eliminated it totally; I justsay that we should make it acclimate the times request.

    作者:大學生新聞網 來源:大學生新聞網
    發(fā)布時間:2023-06-07 瀏覽:
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