
My Favorite Means of Getting Information

We can get information by using all kind of means, such as internet, booksand our teacher. Among these, my favorite means is using internet. Here areseveral advantages of using internet to get information.


First, internet is the most efficient way to get information if ourconditions are allowed. With the help of internet, we can use our Mobil phonesor computers or other devices to get information want in a shortest time. Inaddition, we can get almost all answers of our questions by using internet.


Second, using internet to get information is a way to practice our abilityof thinking, judging and making choices. Using internet to search questions, weoften get several versions of answer. Among these answers, we need to think,to judge and to choosethe best one on our own. In other words, using internet to get information isnot only a process to get answer directly, but also a process to think, tojudge and to make choices.


Finally, using internet to get information is also a process to broadenour knowledge. By searching different questions, we can get knowledge indifferent fields and make a complement for our knowledge. Besides, by referringdifferent versions of answer, we also can learn to think question fromdifferent aspects.


Therefore, using internet is the best means I like to get information.

    作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)
    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-11-03 瀏覽:
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