
Come back home often

Recently, a man in the video was popular inthe internet, he was asked by a reporter about the opinion of “is it a crimefor not visiting your parent for a long time”? This man answer in a funny way,he said: “I don’t care whether my son visits me or not! I think what make aperson criminal is that they don’t get marry before they get 30 years old!”Even thought lots of people consider this video as nothing but a joke, but indeed, we should pay more attention to older people.

最近,一位大叔在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上走紅了.他被記者問到: “長時間不回家探望父母算不算犯法”時,他的回答非常詼諧,他說: “我才不在乎我兒子回不回來看我,我覺得30歲之前不結(jié)婚的人才叫犯罪!”盡管很多人都把這個視頻當笑話看,但事實上,我們是要多關(guān)注一下老年人.

It’s understandable that government make alaw to declare the one who are not visit their parents guilty. In today’ssociety, more and more older people have living alone in an empty house, formost of common reason is that their children go to a bigger city for a betterjob, or they had a fight before, and then, the kid decides not to visit their “evil”“cliché” parents anymore. The phenomenon that older people die alone at home,and was found months or years later is not rare in today’s society, we shouldgive more care to older people.

政府制定法律判決不;丶姨酵改傅娜诉`法是可以理解的。在當今的社會里,有越來越多的空巢老人,大多數(shù)原因就是他們的孩子都到更大的城市去找更好的工作去了,或者他們曾經(jīng)吵過架,然后,那孩子就決定以后再也不理他們那“可惡的” “陳腔濫調(diào)”的父母了.在現(xiàn)在這個社會,老人在家孤獨地死去,然后幾個月或者一年之后才被人發(fā)現(xiàn)的現(xiàn)象并不少見.我們應(yīng)該更加關(guān)心老年人.

Despite our parents give our life to enjoythe wonderful things in this world; they endure all kinds of hardships to bringup us from baby to adult. Anyone who has a little conscience would not leavetheir parents alone at home for a long time without any care. They will trytheir best to find a opportunity to visit their parents.


In short, it’s ridiculous to make a law toforce people to visit older people; I think people should have self-consciousto visit their parents. It’s a virtue to care about older people, let alonethey are your parents.

    作者:大學生新聞網(wǎng) 來源:大學生新聞網(wǎng)
    發(fā)布時間:2023-12-09 瀏覽:
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