
My Opinion Towards I AM A SINGER

Nowadays, there are an increasing number of singing competitions and talent shows on TV, making lots of people dazzled. Coming with sensation, I AM A SINGER triggered wide attention in public as a competition held for singing personages who have been already well-know. As far as I am concerned, this TV program exerts tremendously propitious influence on both audience and the singers involved.現(xiàn)如今,電視上的歌唱比賽和才藝秀越來越多,使得觀眾們越來越眼花繚亂。作為一個供已經(jīng)成名歌手參加的比賽節(jié)目,《我是歌手》的出現(xiàn)在大眾中引發(fā)了轟動。在我看來,這個節(jié)目在觀眾和參賽歌手身上產(chǎn)生了很好的影響。

First and foremost, I AM A SINGER provides the singers who participate in it with a fantastic opportunity to show different characteristics and singing skills on stage which are not presented to audience before. For instance, the famous singer Chen Ming sang a song in the form of rock, which broke her originally relent appearance in our mind.首先,《我是歌手》為歌手提供了展現(xiàn)自我的良好機會,讓他們可以展現(xiàn)出自己性格特點的另一面以及以往未曾展現(xiàn)過的歌唱技巧。。比如說,著名歌手陳明就在《我是歌手》上唱了一首搖滾風(fēng)格的歌曲,打破了她在我們心目中原本的溫柔形象。

Secondly, this heated program enables newly-known celebrities to show their incredible capabilities, making the public know them more. Zhang Jie and Deng Ziqi serve as perfect examples. Their brilliant performances earned them applause and accolade, which were then externalized as profits they gain in their concert.其次,這個熱火朝天的節(jié)目讓新生代明星能夠展示自己非凡的才能,讓大眾能更加地了解他們。張杰和鄧紫棋就是很好的例子,他們在節(jié)目中的出色表現(xiàn)為他們贏得了掌聲和贊許,這些都具體表現(xiàn)在他們在演唱會中所獲得的收益上。

What’s more important, SINGER also led to a magnificent treatment for audience. Since all the singers have adroit and professional skills in singing, each song serves as an audio-visual treatment or delicacy for us.更重要的是,我是歌手也為觀眾帶來了一場盛宴。因為所有的歌手都有著專業(yè)而高超的演唱技巧,每一首歌對觀眾而言都是一場視聽盛宴。

All in all, TV programs such as I AM A SINGER are gaining more preference in public. I hope that we can see more good programs like this on TV in the near future.總而言之,諸如《我是歌手》這類的電視節(jié)目正在大眾中走紅。我希望今后我們可以看到更多這樣的節(jié)目。
    作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)
    發(fā)布時間:2023-12-19 瀏覽:
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