

離職證明英文格式 篇1
  Leaving certificate

  Name date of birth year month day

  The male se-x.

  Each female identity card number

  Home addretelephone

  Turnover turnover: year month day month wages actually

  Working ground county ( city)

  Reason for leaving

  (this column can only select a ) a, involuntary separations:

  - shut the factory - factory moved - - - closed dissolution declared bankrupt

  The Labor Standards Law eleventh: - A - two - three - four - five

  The Labor Standards Law Article fourteenth A: - A - two - three - four - five - six

  Labor Standards Act thirteenth but the labor standard law twentieth

  Each contract work: from year month date to expiration year month day

  Two - three, voluntary turnover, other ( checked, be sure to text )

  ( ID card copy positive paste bar ) ( ID card copy back adhesive bar )

  The insured units demonstrate that column ( of leaving certificate issued by the insured units please fill in this column ) ( please affix the official seal

  Or seal )

  Insured unit name:

  Insurance certificate insurance: telephone unit:

  Insured unit address:

  The table and recorded in the content of the information, industry by the insured units review accurate, if not willing to bear all legal responsibility.

  The insured units contact: contact telephone number:

  Authority of that column ( of leaving certificate by the local authorities issue please fill in this column, and please fill issued authority of reason ):

  ( please seal or stamp at )

  The applicant 's own interpretation bar ( of the certificate leaving office to the insured units and the labor administration authority for cannot obtain please fill in this column )

  , if not willing to bear all legal responsibility.

  Applicant ( signature )

  * this table to the insured units to fill in for the principle, if agreed to by the staff to fill, please insure units must do check have omission or documented by mistake, checked, and stamped with the seal or stamp at the, in a responsible manner.


  Leaving certificate

  This is to certify that the from the month day entry my company as a post, month day to apply for leave for reasons, this work period no bad performance, good work, harmonious with colleagues, was awarded the" " during the title ( Hons ). After careful consideration the company granted leave, have procedures.

  Because of not signing the relevant confidentiality agreements, to liberty.

  Hereby certify that

  Company stamp

  Date: Year Month Day

  Leaving certificate two

  Leaving certificate

  Sir / madam / mifrom year 01 month 01 days entry my company as a Human Resources Department HR assistant, to 20xx 07 months 31 days due to personal reasons for leaving here, no bad performance, the company decided to study, to their separation, has a separation procedures.

  Because of not signing the relevant confidentiality agreements, to liberty.

  Hereby certify that

  Company name ( with the official seal)

  In 20xx 07 months 31 days

  Leaving certificate three

  Leaving certificate

  This is to certify that Sir / madam / mithe former Department of our market development staff, serving time for for 04 years from 01 to 20xx 07 31. Now handle all the formalities of dismissal. Hereby certify that!

  Company name ( with the official seal)

  In 20xx 07 months 31 days

  Leaving certificate four

  Leaving certificate

  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sir / madam / miss, since _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ to _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ day in our company as a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Department ) of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ position, due to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reasons resignation, and labor relations. In witness!

  Company name ( with the official seal)

  In 20xx 07 months 31 days

  Leaving certificate five

  Leaving certificate

  Party A: (name )

  B : ID number:

  Party B shall _ was _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Department ) of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( post ), in 20xx 07 on the 31 mutual agreement to terminate the labor contract. The parties acknowledge the termination of labor relations.

  Both are now available on the economic compensation and the existence of the labor relations during all agree,and has a lump. At the same time, Party A Party B completes resignation procedures for.

離職證明英文格式 篇2
  1 proven format.

  2 there will be information : name ( registered name), employee name, the office once a job, working time, prove the issuance date, issuing date office stamp (" by pressing a month" ). In addition, the general state ID number, because that is the only.

  3 a non-competition agreement and the company paid compensation, recommended in the leaving certificate to illustrate the non-competition provisions.

  The 4 header printing company LOGO -- propagandist company image. Can choose whether to add the company contact.

  5 general use A4 pa-pe-r to print ( file management standard ), the reality of some companies to take two copies of middle section of cover Jifeng Zhang way.

  6 no typos, does not permit the tamper, if fill recommended reissue error.

  Now 7 is usually shown in the remaining blank version to add on the basis of changes after printing, look neat and tidy, beautiful, easy archive. Does not recommend the use of note handwritten.

  8 some employers because early days management not perfect or not will constitute the employing units on the length of service" confession", in the absence of clear cases, using the fuzzy description, direct write position in the company, in a certain period of a day turnover, avoid the entry time.

離職證明英文格式 篇3
  Demission certificate

  This is to certify that the former employee ______ , (Identity card: _________________) terninated the contract with our company on _____________, and have finished the demission procedure already.

  Demission department: _______________

  HR(human resource department)/ General manager office


離職證明英文格式 篇4
  茲證明 先生/女士/小姐原系我公司 市場(chǎng)開發(fā)部 職員,在職時(shí)間為20xx年01月01日至20xx年07月31日。現(xiàn)已辦理完所有離職手續(xù)。特此證明!




離職證明英文格式 篇5









離職證明英文格式 篇6




離職證明英文格式 篇7
  _______先生/女士/小姐,自____年__月__日至____年__月__日在我公司擔(dān)負(fù) ________(部門)的_______職務(wù),由于___個(gè)人______原因提出辭職,現(xiàn)已與公司解除勞動(dòng)關(guān)系。特此證明!


  年 月 日



  乙方: 身份證號(hào):

  乙方原為甲方________(部門)的_______(職務(wù)),于20xx年07月31日經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致解除勞動(dòng)合同。甲乙雙方確認(rèn) 解除 / 終止 勞動(dòng)關(guān)系。

  雙方現(xiàn)已就有關(guān)問題達(dá)成一致,并辦妥離職手續(xù)。 特此證明。

  甲方(簽章): 甲方代表簽字:


  年 月 日


離職證明英文格式 篇8

  乙方:_____________ 身份證號(hào):___________________

  乙方原為甲方________(部門)的_______(職務(wù)),于____________年07月31日經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致解除勞動(dòng)合同。甲乙雙方確認(rèn) 解除 / 終止 勞動(dòng)關(guān)系。

  雙方現(xiàn)已就有關(guān)問題達(dá)成一致,并辦妥離職手續(xù)。 特此證明。

  甲方(簽章): ________________



    作者:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng) 來源:大學(xué)生新聞網(wǎng)
    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-11-06 瀏覽:
  • 浦發(fā)銀行收入證明范本
  • 浦發(fā)銀行收入證明范本
  • 茲___先生/女士為個(gè)體經(jīng)營戶(小規(guī)模納稅人),現(xiàn)已經(jīng)營___年,任法人代表,現(xiàn)在的每月的主營業(yè)務(wù)收入為_____。  
  • 11-06 關(guān)注:0
  • 離職證明英文格式
  • The table and recorded in the content of the information, industry by the insured units review accurate
  • 11-06 關(guān)注:0
  • uber實(shí)習(xí)證明模板
  • 茲有________學(xué)校____同學(xué)于____年____月____日至____年____月____日在我單位進(jìn)行實(shí)習(xí)。  
  • 11-06 關(guān)注:0
  • 優(yōu)秀大學(xué)生實(shí)習(xí)證明
  • 茲有____________大學(xué)_____________學(xué)院_________專業(yè)__________于_____年____月____日至____年____月____日在____軟件股份有限公司實(shí)
  • 11-06 關(guān)注:0
  • 信用卡工作證明范本
  • 茲有我單位________(同志)在________部門,從事________工作,固定月收入為_____元人民幣,年收入為_____元人民幣,特此證明。  
  • 11-06 關(guān)注:0
  • 辦暫住證工作證明模板
  • 辦暫住證工作證明模板
  • 茲證明,,現(xiàn)年XX歲,戶籍所在地XX市,身份證號(hào),現(xiàn)在(公司名稱)公司工作,暫住在(住地名稱),需要辦理暫住手續(xù),請(qǐng)給予辦理為盼!
  • 11-06 關(guān)注:0
  • 探親證明范本
  • 茲有本公司員工,于20xx年XX月XX日與登記結(jié)婚。由于工作原因,員工自20xx年XX月至今被派往外地工作,無休假不能回京,致其夫妻兩地分居
  • 11-06 關(guān)注:0
  • 上海員工離職證明
  • 茲證明先生/女士/小姐原系我公司市場(chǎng)開發(fā)部職員,在職時(shí)間為-xx年01月01日至-xx年07月31日。
  • 11-06 關(guān)注:0