
On Private Tutor

It is quite common that most students haveprivate tutors since competitions nowadays are extremely intense among studentsboth in schools and society. Many people encourage their students to findprivate tutors to help them to improve their scores of certain subject. Somepeople think students should focus on their lessons when they are in classrather than find private tutor to train them. From my point of view, I thinkprivate tutor has many advantages for students. Reasons are listed below.


Firstly, private tutor can improve students’scores rather quick. Not like students sit in class with many other students,private tutoring will focus on one student a time so that a student can getspecial trainings according to his or her characteristic. Thus, by this way, studentscan improve their scores quickly.


Secondly, private tutor will save a lot oftime. Generally speaking, if students have private tutors, then they just needseveral hours to obtain lots of knowledge. While in school, teachers have toconsiderate for all students so that they will teach students a little bit ofknowledge once a time. Therefore, students in school need a relatively longtime to get more knowledge than learning knowledge from private tutor.


From above analysis, we can come to conclusionthat students can obtain lots of knowledge in a short time.

    作者:大學生新聞網 來源:大學生新聞網
    發(fā)布時間:2023-11-02 瀏覽:
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